Friday, October 13, 2017

Where I Got the Name for my Blog

I had 4 kids in 5 years. Let that sink in for a moment. 😲
This is day #4 was born... #3 wouldn't have anything to do with him... She was NOT interested in losing her place as baby of the family! LoL  (She came around by the next day at home.)

Before I knew we were pregnant with our fourth child in as many years, I stood one day watching my 3 little darling babies chasing each other in circles around the house, squealing at once with both delight and terror, depending upon who was the chase-ER and who was the chase-EE, and of course who got overrun, who wound up on the bottom of the heap, and ultimately, who ended up with the item of interest which had created this chase scene to rival any of the best to come out of Hollywood since Steve McQueen's in Bullitt. 


I thought to myself, "Can you imagine if you had 4 kids instead of 3?" To which I promptly replied (to myself!), "I couldn't handle it!" It was in that moment, God spoke to me as clearly as if He were standing next to me. "No, you couldn't, but I can." 

Our family, with only 3 kids in 4 years. This is about the same time as the infamous chase scene and the profound moment God promised He could (and would) handle 4 of these little buggers in 5 years!
I was a bit startled by a voice so obviously in my head, but so spring water clear. I knew at once it was the Great I Am speaking to me. I also immediately pondered the unusual grammar of the sentence. He said I "couldn't" but He "can." To have both clauses match in syntax, it should've been either, I "couldn't" but He "could" - OR - you "can't" but I "can." It's a little thing, but is significant because, I came to realize months later, it was a prophetic promise, just for me, and THAT is way cool, yo!

Within a month, we discovered what we came to call our "Shock and Awe Baby" as that not only described our feeling knowing we would be parents of 4 babies born in 5 years, but it was the same time America was entering Iraq in search of Saddam Hussein using what the media called "Shock and Awe" tactics.

My little-bitties a few months before the "Shock and Awe" news of baby #4.
Amazingly enough, I forgot this very personal, prophetic, message given to me directly from the God of the universe, El Elyon (The Most High God), Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide), and Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace). We had anxiety about the pregnancy because I had high blood pressure, not quite high enough to be very troubling, but high enough to be concerned. Then came the delivery of my amazing 10 and 1/2 pound baby boy (yes, natural delivery for those mamas who are reading that number! ha!) which required almost double the maximum recommended amount of Pitocin and an eexxxtttrrrraaaaaa long delivery.

About 8 weeks later, it was time for our very first outing away from home. We decided to start it out easy, go somewhere safe, where we were comfortable, and would have loads of support. We went to church. We spent what seemed forever getting ready!! Imagine trying to get 4 babies ranging in age from 8 weeks to 3 years old all fed, clothed in Sunday best, groomed, and ready to be buckled in car seats requiring a Master's Degree in Engineering to operate, only to then realize you yourself are still in your house robe and slippers! It was like a circle of madness, by the time we had everyone fed and dressed, it was time to feed someone again, or change a diaper, or clean the spit up from their clothes, or...

Finally, we made it out the door and to church... and at only 20 minutes late, we felt like Rock Stars! As I was dropping off this beautiful newborn creation to the hands of a loving childcare volunteer in the nursery who was ooohing and aahhhing over him, she asked how I was holding up. I explained how challenging it was to have 4 children at all, but even more so when they're this close together. I just barely had the oldest potty trained and the other 3 children were still in diapers. She grinned and nodded to me with a sympathetic, "I don't know how you can handle all of these children so close together."

In a flash, I remembered the promise of my Lord that I wouldn't be able to handle them, but that HE CAN (and will) handle them for me. Of course, that meant Giving In And Letting Go. And therein lies the rub.

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