A=God B=Word
C= keep in our hearts D=Bible
It's been a long, trying past 6 months to a year. When you have a life verse/chapter such as James 1, it can offer you amazing guidelines and help at almost any point for almost any situation. It's almost like "Christian living: 101." But it can also be pretty heavy. And it got me thinking, am I creating more struggles by claiming this verse/passage as "my" verse? This is where the whole power of the word comes into play.
Consider it Pure JOY when you encounter various trials... When you start out your day saying these words, are you encouraging yourself to be prepared to praise God no matter what happens that day OR are you sort of setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy that you WILL encounter various trials!? hmmm...
So, I thought I would take my mind "off" that passage for a while and do something a bit more upbeat and cheerful. Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying, "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all." Proverbs 31:28,29 THAT'S WHAT I WANT!! Sign me up!
Well, there's only one problem with that... context. When read in context, it's just as heavy as James. Where James 1 might be "How to be a good Christian: 101," Proverbs 31 (in context, you must read 10-23) would be "How to be the perfect Christian WIFE: 101." Cuz, no pressure there, right?!
I mean, the world - and SOCIAL MEDIA & BLOGS - are everywhere telling me how to be the perfect wife/mother/woman. I must work-out to be skinny. I must work outside the home, preferably making at least as much, if not more than, my husband. I must wear high heels and make-up and have my hair done perfectly at all times. I must be a superb chef, preparing all my meals in above-mentioned heels. I bake for family get-togethers, and when the church needs me I am there with my largest smile. I must laugh with my friends (which means I must have time to have friends!). And I must be a volunteer with the PTA, the local food pantry, the Pet Shelter, and buy lattes for the person in line behind me. And of course, be present when your family arrives home, looking like you spent the day resting.
And with that I began reading: 10: An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels 11: The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. I've been working on reading a book on Winston Churchill, who is renowned for loving his wife abundantly. He said this:
10: An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. a cross-reference here to Proverbs 12:4 says "an excellent wife is THE CROWN of her husband" (emphasis mine). Crowns show the king's wealth: a small crown = a small kingdom, a large crown = a large kingdom. Crowns also represent the king's power, legitimacy, victory, triumph, honor, and glory. WOW! If that doesn't make you reconsider the importance you play in your husband's life, I don't know what would. Finally, the crown is the last thing a monarch would put on... the icing on the cake, the crown on the king... the wife/crown is what completes him, to sound very Tom Cruise in "Jerry Maguire" -esque.
I used to jokingly say (used to, as in up until this very moment), that being a biblical wife was easy. God says we're in authority to our husbands, so all I have to do is obey him, whether I agree with his decisions or not, and that is for what I will answer to God on judgment day. It is the husband, who must make decisions for the family, who must stand before God on judgement day and answer for those decisions. God calls us to be under the authority of our husbands but here God tells us we have much to do with our husband's success! When the wife is excellent (UGH! WHEN the wife is excellent.. and didn't the verse above say, "an excellent wife, WHO CAN FIND?!?) no pressure there..
Do you hear this? Are you as convicted of this as I am? This is a hard one to swallow, God. So, not only do I have to excellent in order to have my husband's trust (wait! did you see that one?! It slipped through without us discussing it... I need to be excellent in order to for him to trust me? It doesn't just happen?!? another truth bomb to digest!)
So, not only do I have to be excellent (and an excellent wife, who can find?) to earn my husband's trust, I am also called to be excellent as a Christian (as we all are), and now I am told that the success of my husband, and ultimately my entire family, relies on my ability to be an excellent wife. I need some time to digest that one..
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